Tuesday, April 15, 2008


This, sent to me from my sister in Whitehorse with subject line "Are you ready to pounce?" and the message:

Roo, this was in yesterday's Whitehorse Star...

Fuck, where was he 4 months ago when you were here!?

Thank you, Em, for this:

Sunday, April 13, 2008

nobody knows the trouble he's seen

Brushed out the little Fluffernutter today and he acted like it was the great puppy massacre of 2008. You should have heard the screaming. You'd have thought I was gouging his eyes out. Like any good mama, I just held him in my iron grip and cooed to him while I finished the job. Come on, dog! You get fed, snuggled, romped, and I pick up your poop! What do you do but chew, nap and hump?

Cutest things lately:

1) He loves to curl up on the oregano bush in my spring-muddy garden and comes in smelling like Italian meatballs.

2) He sticks his whole face in the snow as if he was taking a serious stab at bobbing for apples, then snorts and prances around high-stepping. Then he does it again.

We've made a lot of progress, Atticus and me. He now sleeps past 6:30 AM and pees on command, always outside now (though the paper is staying on the floor for one more week). He has also been corrected enough on the "not ok to hump/ok to hump" divide enough that he gets it right about 95% of the time.

Not OK to Hump:

  1. human adults
  2. human children
  3. sofa cushions
  4. my down jacket
  5. really, dog, any of my stuff is off limits

OK to Hump:

  1. lamiedoodle

Yup, that's right. The Lambiedoodle is definitely a lower-rank dog than you in this pack. Go nuts!*

* Especially while you still have them. MWAHAHAHAHAAA.**
** Sorry, that was terrible.

Friday, April 11, 2008

caught out

Thomas: CA looks exceptionally dorky right now.

Roo: I love him in all his forms
what was he wearing/doing/smelling like?

Thomas: he just blushed

Roo: oh god, he's not right there is he?

Thomas: uhhhh
gotta go!

Roo: fuck, he's not supposed to know that I even LIKE HIM

Thomas is offline.

Monday, April 07, 2008


Also, his name is Atticus. Yes, I named my dog after a character who, among other things, shot a dog.

More soon - just so freaking busy with work right now. BLEHAHRAHFHGH.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew

No, he still doesn't really have a name. Look into that face and tell me what it is: