Wednesday, May 23, 2007

great advances in science

The Dude has dligently continued his Poodie research. Please, if you know about poodie, please come forward and share your knowledge. I imagine The Dude would also happily accept funding to continue his work. Perhaps a grant? Or we could get the cryptozoologists on this one.

Roo, apparently Poodie is used by God to enforce his views on blogging (see attached).

Best regards,
The Dude


At May 24, 2007 8:52 a.m., Blogger The Dude said...

All Poodie, all the time.

At May 24, 2007 3:38 p.m., Blogger sgazzetti said...

I am pretty much at my limit of being able to love these posts any more than I already do. But you will surprise me, this I do know.


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