Tuesday, November 07, 2006

mixed messages

You come here for love, and I seem to want you here, but I send you away. I'm sorry for the mixed messages. It's just that I found this most fantastic video of Japanese girls chanting while doing aerobics and also acting out being assaulted, and you should go watch it (at beatsentropy.com). I think they're right. It DOES actually defy description.


At November 07, 2006 5:25 p.m., Blogger Hooker said...

haha i saw that on youtube a while back.

"i was robe bah dewwww men"

At November 08, 2006 10:33 a.m., Blogger The Dude said...

The only thing that would've made that video better is robots. Actually, I'm surprised there weren't robots.


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